20 dogs tragically die at Arizona kennel under son of AZ senator's watch
A tragic story is sweeping social media today, Tuesday, June 23, after Republican Senator, Jeff Flake, apologized for an incident that left 20 dogs dead of heat exhaustion on his son, Austin Flake's...
View ArticleDowned Malaysian flight exposes issues with social media reporting
Moments after Malayasian flight MH17 crashed in Ukraine, today, Thursday, July 17, thousands of concerned individuals took to Twitter and other various forms of social media to follow along as the...
View ArticleNew head of security, demonstrators, march together towards peace in Ferguson
When Captain Ron Johnson of the Missouri Highway Patrol took over security detail of the Ferguson, Missouri, demonstrations today, Thursday, Aug. 14, he promised things would be different under his...
View ArticleIn defense of the #IceBucketChallenge
The #IceBucketChallenge started off as a friendly game in which participants were dared via social media to either dump a bucket of ice over their heads, and/or donate $100 to the charity of their...
View ArticleRyan J. Reilly; or, how sensational journalism is shadowing peace in Ferguson
Sensationalism, almost as a matter of necessity now, drives traditional media in the 21st century. Ever since the media's competition has evolved from the battle of the titans, "yellow journalism",...
View ArticleReal-life 'memes' that need to stop: 'creepy clown guy'
The "creepy clown" phenomenon, wherein someone dresses up like a scary looking clown and stands around town scaring people simply by existing, started out as a viral social media trend in Northampton,...
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